Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Skin Deep

I'm white. I'm so white I'm almost clear.  Last fourth of July I went out onto Cocoa Beach in Florida without any sunblock for an afternoon and in no time at all, my mid-thigh shorts had created a definitive line separating the blinding white from the lobster red, compliments of the hot summer sun gleaming off of the ocean. 

It's now February.  The burn is long gone, and the pain, thankfully, and I've been reminded again that I should never walk out the door without sunblock on me... but the line, that definite demarcation line, is still very visible.  It's white and brown now, instead of white and red.

I was looking at it today, considering the damage that was probably done to my skin and marveling at just how deeply the burn went.  Just like anything that hurts us; cuts, burns, breaks, actions, words.... those things, if applied with force, even briefly, will leave an impression deep enough to last over time. 

I have not noticed the line on my legs often. I go about my life and stay busy, and occasionally, I will look down and see it and think, 'oh yeah.... that's still there'.  We can't see every wound; sometimes we feel them. The weather turns cold and our bodies ache and we think 'oh.... yes. That's still there'.  Someone says something and we remember unkind words spoken to us in our past.  We hear someone vocalizing violently, or being violent, and we stop in our tracks, our breath catches, our hearts pound in our ears and we remember terrifying moments that have long gone, and we whisper to ourselves... 'oh yeah, that's still there'. 

Harsh words, hard hands, painful consequences and seemingly hopeless situations can indeed injure us, seen or unseen, but they do not stop us; only death stops us.  If we are still living, we have choices, we have options, we can learn from the experience and make changes to avoid a recurrence.

While we can carry these remnants of impact with us, they do not define us and should not be a focal point. They are reminders to stay safe and be careful, but they should never hinder us, never intimidate us, and never, ever stop us from living with passion and strength and growing as we live.

A sunburn isn't the same as abuse, but the analogy of being hurt, bearing the mark of it, and avoiding it in the future is similar.

Am I going back out in the sun ever again?

Am I going to wear sunblock?
Every time.

I'm making this change to ensure that it won't happen again. 
Live. Learn. Change. Grow.
Apply liberally and often.

Friday, January 10, 2014

A Brave & Risen Woman

The Risen Woman would like to applaud Senator LeAnna Washington for her bravery, courage and strength in overcoming abuse and changing her life for herself and her children. She's become quite successful and has become a wonderful role model for women and girls everywhere.  She is a modern day heroine.

Have a look, and share this with others who may need the inspiration:


Inspiration In The Risen Woman

The purpose of this project, this work, is to produce a book that will be a compilation of stories of women who've been abused in different ways, overcome it, and grown into successful lives. The book is to encourage women and girls who are in abusive situations, or who have been, so that they can believe that it's possible to change their lives and break free from the abuse and discover their own worth.
I've spent years volunteering in women's safe houses and shelters, talking with them, working with them, and when one is in an oppressive life, it's sometimes so hard to believe that changing it and getting out is a possibility.
When a person is abused, they oftentimes begin to believe that they aren't worth anything better. My hope is to change that; to show them by the example of other women that it absolutely can be done, that they can leave a horrible life & make a new one.
I've done it myself, and what good is becoming a champion of my own life if I don't use that experience to help others do the same with theirs? How could I leave them in hell and go on with my own happiness?
Our experiences teach us so that we may teach others and better the world for our having passed through it. This book will be in shelters, counselors offices, ObGyn offices, and anywhere it's needed, I hope.
That is the aim. To teach women, to encourage them to rise up out of the ashes of their destructive lives and begin again; like a Phoenix. There is little else on this planet as resilient as a woman.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Purpose Behind The Risen Woman

The idea for The Risen Woman has been in the making for many years, because I've always wanted to show other women in abusive situations how to change their lives for the better. Circumstance sometimes finds us in dark places, in places where the light of hope does not shine very often, or very brightly. Sometimes when a woman or girl is suffocating under the domination of an abuser, it's difficult to find her own strength.

We all crave inspiration to grow and learn. Wise words from a teacher, the security of guidance from one who has tread a path or knows the way when we are uncertain. We share quotes from revered thinkers and doers; the Dalai Lama, Oprah, Socrates and Plato, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr., Maya Angelou. We even share quotes from movies and books; works that make us think, give us a new perspective, a new way to think about things, to learn how to handle the tough spots, and to grow. These ideas change us, encourage us, and because of them, we oftentimes change our lives because we want to live better.

It's just this same way with The Risen Woman. Who better to help women and girls out of dangerous and difficult places than women who've been in those same places, gotten out and changed their lives to a point that it has become successful? Who better, indeed.

People live at every level of life; we live with what we will accept. There are some who flat our refuse to live in abusive situations, and there are some to whom that is an acceptable way of life, because it is all they've known and all they've been taught. Some even, who hate that life and do not want it, but do not have the strength or the courage to try to change it.

Abuse happens when one person is dominant over another person. The abused, in this case, is in a hole; a deficit, and has the daunting task of not only climbing up out of that chasm, to get onto an equal ground with the abuser, but then must overcome the abuser to rise above that situation and get away from it. That kind of fortitude is not easily kept when one is being beaten down. It is at those low points when one finds it most difficult to believe that change could ever happen; that brighter days will come and life could be more than a hated misery.

I've not only lived in those dark places, I've worked and volunteered at women's shelters and I've seen so many women and children who are trying to change their lives and extract themselves from the cycles of abuse. It is not an easy thing to overcome, and having something or someone to believe in or emulate can make a tremendous difference. For the women and girls in abusive environments, sometimes the strongest inspiration can come from seeing other women who have extricated themselves from the same and succeeded. Something very much like, 'If she can do it, maybe I can too...'.

Women, whether they know it or not, are inherently strong and are absolutely capable of rising, like a phoenix from the ashes of despair, into a new life of health, happiness and vitality. This is what The Risen Woman is doing. It is a compilation of stories of women who have been abused, who overcame it and have changed their lives into positive success.

If this work touches your heart and you'd like to help bring this project to life, please contribute by donating to The Risen Woman at the Gofundme link on the top right side of this page. Together, we can change lives.
If you have a true story of abuse turned to success that you'd like to have considered for publication in the book, please email it to me at therisenwoman@gmail.com.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

What Does Equality Have To Do With Abuse?

So if The Risen Woman is a book by abused women, for abused women, what's with all the feminist equality articles floating around here? What does equality have to do with abuse?

The immediate answer to that is quite simple. People who are abusive behave that way to others that they think of as inferior, whether they realize it or not.  When we consider someone an equal, we are not in a position to dominate, and abuse isn't a factor.  It is when we feel an entitled superiority over another person that abuse happens. It is a control method, and it is absolutely unjust.

Abuse comes in many variations; from a rude attitude and comments to a restaurant server all the way to severe mental, physical and emotional abuse. It happens so often and at so many levels that we oftentimes may not even realize we're doing it. This calls for us to be truly mindful of our actions every day; they do have an effect on people we come into contact with.

It's a simple psychology, when two or more people are in company together, the first equation is, 'Who is in charge? What is my place and position?' and unless there is true and utter equality, there is always an elevated echelon of hierarchy.  This gives a perceived power to anyone who isn't at the bottom of the totem pole, and it opens the door to abuse.

Inequality and abuse know no defining parameters; male or female, race, religion, et al. It has to do with the lowest common denominator; the minority of the situation.  If you are one of a few, or the only person of your kind in any environment, you are at a higher risk for abuse. That's a natural law. There's safety in numbers.

The work of The Risen Woman centers around girls and women who've been abused or are in abusive situations, because being dominated will oftentimes convince the abused that they do not deserve better or that they cannot overcome their situation. By and large, their self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence are in short supply.  The recurring themes in those are Self and Value. How believable is it that if we are consistently treated poorly, then we must have a lesser value, and when that ideology is mandated by one in a higher position, whether actual or perceived, it's often taken at face value. Everyone says so, so it must be true.

We are who we believe we are.

The Risen Woman is a work of experiences by women who were in a wide array of abusive situations, but who, because they disavowed the status quo, fought back against the abuse, broke free of it, and through strength grew to become successful. It is the purpose of these women to help others understand and discover their true worth and value, to inspire them to embrace confidence and change their lives for the better.  It's as simple as setting an example and lending a supportive hand. It's teaching people who are abused that they do indeed matter, that they have potential and that they can absolutely rise above their environment or situation and change it.

Something else truly wonderful happens when those changes take place. The abused can become active healthy contributors to society, and in time can help others heal and grow. It's a benefit that, as the seed of potential rests within each of us, begins to grow in a healthy environment and branches out to benefit others. Each has the ability to become an oak, when nurtured and healed.

This endeavor is imperative, for it has the potential to reach much further than anyone could ever comprehend. Every life that it touches in a positive way is well worth every effort of TRW to get to that life, but like everything else, this is subject to fundamental rules... an object at rest stays at rest (without funding, this goes nowhere) and an object in motion stays in motion (TRW is funded, TRW changes lives, which becomes a continuum for immeasurable change). 

Please be an active contributor to the growth of this endeavor, and donate to the fund that will bring it to fruition.  Broaden the circle of possibility and share this with others, so they may have an opportunity to help as well.


Losing The Vision Of Women's Worth

This is extremely long, but very worth the read. Get some coffee, and get comfortable... I'll wait.

In 1776, men in America declared themselves free of tyranny and oppression. Women however, would have to wait 144 years more for their independence. It has only been since 1920 that women have had the right to vote in federal elections, since 1868 that they have been allowed to practice law, since 1849 that they have been allowed to practice medicine, and since 1833 that they have had the right to attend colleges.

These rights and freedoms that we are privileged to enjoy today have not always been ours, rather, their opportunity has been hard fought and hard won by women who would never accept complacency and inequality in the face of tradition or custom. These women believed in themselves and in the women of their time, but most importantly in the women yet to come. It was this belief and faith in the strength, integrity, and potential of the daughters of the future that inspired and drove these fighters for equality to champion a cause that would change the face of history and the world forever.

There are two issues regarding equality today that I am extremely concerned about. First, I believe that most of the young women in our country are either unaware or unappreciative of the sacrifices made for us by the women who came before us. Those women fought for our independence and individualism so that we wouldn’t be objectified as women have been all throughout history. Today’s population has lost the crucial vision of our mothers and grandmothers. Secondly, on the surface it seems as though women have come a long way in regards to equality with men, and in many ways we have, but we still have not fully realized that dream of true equality because by and large, men still see women as objects and not individual equals.

Congress declared March as Women’s History Month in 1987; almost twenty-seven years ago. In recognition of that, The History Channel’s online web site featured the article, “The History of Women's Suffrage” which begins with where we were:
In the early nineteenth century, women were considered second-class citizens whose existence was limited to the interior life of the home and care of the children. Women were considered sub-sets of their husbands, and after marriage they did not have the right to own property, maintain their wages, or sign a contract, much less vote. It was expected that women be obedient wives, never to hold a thought or opinion independent of their husbands. It was considered improper for women to travel alone or to speak in public.
With the belief that intense physical or intellectual activity would be injurious to the delicate female biology and reproductive system, women were taught to refrain from pursuing any serious education. Silently perched in their birdcages, women were considered merely objects of beauty, and were looked upon as intellectually and physically inferior to men… (par. 1 & 2)
The women of that age knew that they were better than that, and they wanted their daughters and granddaughters to grow up in a world where women would not be treated as worthless and untrustworthy objects. Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Lucretia Mott, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are just a few of the thousands of women whose battles for equality gifted us with freedom and independence bought with centuries of great loss, anger, frustration, marches, arrests, beatings, legal battles, humility, blood and even death. What immeasurable sacrifice for the precious dreams of a better tomorrow.

Where are we now? What have those precious dreams of liberation – dreams worth dying for, become today? The popular trends among young women today have more to do with outward appearance, sex appeal, fashion and romantic relationships than with education, inner self-improvement, and continuing to promote the advancement of a woman's equal place in the culture of society.

I consider it a serious backslide in the realization of true equality between men and women that more young girls are interested in Barbie and Bratz dolls than in the real heroines of our day; Sandra Day O’Connor, Lt. Col. Eileen Collins, Madeleine K. Albright, Oprah Winfrey and Condoleezza Rice. It speaks volumes about the deep underlying continuance of the objectification of women by men that the socially perceived pinnacle of outward beauty is thin bodied, large busted, youthful perfection; ‘sexy’.

This trend toward physical beauty and a constant influx of what the media would have us believe that ‘sexy’ is, or that we all must fit into its mold, is a direct result of men trying to keep women subservient. Women are no longer the ‘homebodies’ that they were decades ago. They are out in the workforce, out in the government, in fact out in the world, making incredible changes in it every day. The only method through which men can attempt to maintain a superior position is by defining what is physically desirable to them and saturating women’s lives with the expectations of their male desires.

Some women argue that they use their beauty and sexuality against men by flaunting themselves before men to use them as a means for money, ‘look but don’t touch’. Some Hooters girls, strippers, Playboy Playmates, and several others say that if men are stupid enough to give their money to them for their looks, even if they never get to have sex with the girls, then these girls are going to take advantage of the men and use that money to further their educations, careers or livelihoods.

Besides the fact that these professions are one slight step above prostitution (selling the body, even metaphorically), the practice of this concept is morally wrong on several levels. First, no one should use anyone else, especially for money. Second, catering to men’s lust only undermines the causes for which women have strived; even though it benefits a few girls in the immediate moment, in the long run it hurts us as a whole because it encourages men to view women as sexual objects. Furthermore, it demoralizes the women into believing that their greatest value is in their looks, which is never true of any person. I also believe that it creates a conducive path to infidelity. How long can a man lust for what he should not have before he loses the battle with temptation and gives in to his desire? A woman using sex to use a man is symbiotic suicide and it’s wrong, but women aren’t the only ones using sex to use men.

Advertising and media are huge indicators of what men want women to look like and unfortunately, sex sells. Alcohol distributors use scantily clad ‘hot’ young women, like the Coors Twins, to sell their products. USA Today ran an article on them on March 3, 2003… ironically during Women’s History Month. “Coors Twins ads a hit with target market”, highlights of the piece include the following:
“Coors concluded that the way to get their (men’s) attention would be commercials featuring a pair of busty cheerleaders — who are twins… The concept got its start when Ron Askew, marketing chief for Coors, asked FCB (ad agency Foote, Cone & Belding, Chicago) to create an "anthem for what guys really like." FCB responded by writing "love songs" for guys. As Chuck Rudnick, group creative director, says: "Nobody would argue men love women, so why not two of them? That's why twins rings so true." Coors' answer to charges that it treats women as sex objects: "We've been careful not to make this all about babes," Askew says. "All the women in the spots are leaders, not followers. The women are in control. They're the ones inviting you into the party at 4 a.m.".

They are the ones inviting you to the party at 4 a.m. in the ad that they are being paid to do, but that doesn’t “ring true” when USA Today’s weekly poll by AdTrack stated 32% of women polled ‘highly disliked’ the ad. Mr. Rudnick states that, “nobody would argue men love women…” then by his ads are we to believe that men should only love women for their outward appearance if it’s ‘hot’? What about what’s on the inside? Isn’t intelligence and independent achievement sexy? It doesn’t look like it. He also mentioned the 'babes' women in the spots being leaders, not followers, not sex objects; but that’s not quite what’s depicted in the photos… cheer-leaders, maybe, but not leaders of women.

Another more serious issue that’s resulted from the objectification and over-sexualization of women is that the depiction of ‘young being sexy’ has started to bleed into a younger age group of females... much younger. Minors are now falling into the ‘sexually desirable’ group very frequently. Our daughters are being taught at a very young age that they should be sexy, and just what sexy is. Tomi-Ann Roberts, Professor of Psychology at Colorado College wrote an article for the Denver Post on 03/17/07; “Sending the wrong message”. She stated the following:
“Because I do research on the consequences of the sexual objectification of girls and women, I was asked to serve on a committee named by the American Psychological Association to examine the prevalence of sexualizing treatment in the culture, and its consequences. Our research was sobering. In study after study, we found ample evidence for a widespread cultural contribution, through media and merchandizing, to the sexual portrayal and treatment of girls. In some cases, we see girls sexualized through thong underwear or T-shirts emblazoned with slogans such as "Eye Candy" and marketed to 7- to 10-year-olds. We also are presented with adult women or celebrity partiers "dressed down" as young girls, in pigtails, with their cleavage busting out of pink ruffles. With the proliferation of media, such images saturate the culture - and the message to girls and young women is clear: Being female has become nearly synonymous with being a sexual object. And perhaps the most disturbing feature of the bill of goods sold to our daughters is the equating of sexual objectification with power and popularity. In a recent USA Today story, the CEO of the company that manufactures Bratz dolls scoffed at our APA report, saying that his dolls were not sexy, but rather looked like the typical school girl today. The school of what? One of my daughters and I were riding the street car in Berlin, Germany, when I noticed we had entered an area where prostitutes solicit openly. My then 7-year-old daughter was enchanted by one of these women, who had very long hair and wore thigh-high vinyl boots. "Mommy," my daughter sighed reverently, "she's so pretty. She looks just like a Bratz doll."
Professor Robert’s opinion summarized this whole argument quite succinctly with,

“OK, but is this really that big of a deal? You betcha.”

Our foremothers did not spend their lives fighting and dying so that we could become submissive to the sexual desires of men. We have not come so far from where we were if men like us best when we are less. I believe that if our daughters; if our children had a better understanding of what was given for them over the last two hundred years so that they might live in a better, more balanced world, then this world would be a much better place. I believe that they lose the lesson when they are constantly bombarded with sex in media and culture. Women are about a lot more than satisfying a man’s basic urges.
Women are about intelligence, grace, wisdom, patience, strength, compassion, integrity, kindness and above all, love. We are more than can be imagined and not yet all that we could be. Our daughters must be taught that their value lies deep within and has nothing to do with their outsides. They must be taught that they have an obligation, a moral duty to the women who came before them, before each of us, to realize the dream of true equality between men and women in every nation of the world. They must be shown how to use their freedom and independence to command respect, not lust from the men they encounter, to act with integrity and to build that respect into honor.

This is the road to equal rights that began much more than 200 years ago, but has only seen light within these last two centuries. This is the way we must get back to, and continue on, if we are ever to realize the vision of true equality.

Another blog I love (blogaway) has posted a review on Madeleine Albright's autobiography that is very good, a fast and worthwhile read. Please stop by there.

Bibliography and Credits:

“Women’s History Month: The History of Women’s Suffrage” 2007. The History Channel website. 11 April 2007, 06:00p

“Coors’ twins ads a hit with target market” 03/02/2003. USAToday.com 11 April 2007, 06:15p

“Sending the wrong message” 03/17/2007. Denverpost.com 11 April 2007, 06:25p

“Women’s History Month: Timeline” 2007. The History Channel website. 11 April 2007, 06:30p

On Housewives & Homemakers

On the subject of housewives and homemakers, I think at the very least, more than a modicum of dignity and respect ought to be afforded to those women who choose not to enter the workforce; those who have the daunting task of running a household in the new millennium, something which is no small task and which- if it were a paid position- would net the woman or man (note Homemaker is not gender specified) about six figures a year, currently.

It is without a shred of doubt, a position that commands respect and dignity.

The women who fought and died for equality and recognition at the turn of the last century, did not do so with the vision that women in the coming century could have the freedom to be indifferent to their sacrifices!!!

 I cringe and shudder at the thought.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Sojourner Truth would be infuriated, not incensed, at the complacency of some women today.
We are the granddaughters of warriors of justice, integrity, dignity and HONOR.
We are absolutely NOT of a lesser value or worth than our male counterparts.

I certainly hope that each person who reads this remembers what was sacrificed willingly by our foremothers... so that WE could be granted the equality that should never have been a question.

God Bless the Homemakers.